
Anatomy Dances with Lesley Powell

〜A journey about anatomy and movement〜




Anatomy Dances is about the shifting dances around the body to create and support movement.  I bring together my studies of anatomy, Biotensegrity, somatic practices, Pilates, Laban’s Space Harmony and Bartenieff Fundamentalstm.  

オープニングクラス Opening:6/24(月)15:30〜17:00(Aコース)




Opening lecture and movement sampling of Anatomy Dances introduces to the new wonders how the body moves.  With new technology, anatomists are seeing the body differently.  We are just not parts but an intriguing web of inner connections.  The opening will include a lecture of the history of our changing understanding of our bodies.  All will experience a simple movement sequences that will change how you feel your body to this new anatomy dance.  All are welcome!

1日目 コアのダンス Dance of the Core:6/25(火) 8:30〜/13:30〜(B・Cコース)



  • 朝のクラス:体幹がどう動くかと良いサポートを作ることを模索します。2時間の動きのクラスの中で、重要な動きの原則を復習し、家で自主的な練習ができるようクラスを詳しく見ていきます。
  • 午後のクラス:3Dのコアがどのように動くかを、より深く理解します。このセッションにはレクチャー、動き、そしてこれらのコアダンスのコンセプトをどのように感じたり見たり伝達したりするかを学ぶ練習が含まれます。

Core is more than the abdominals.  It is coordinations of bones, muscles, fascia, tendon and even your organs.   Core is 3D.  When the torso feels tight and sometimes injured,  parts of the torso has lost important movement and other parts: hyper mobile.

  • Morning Class:  Discovering how the torso moves and creating better support.  This will be a 2 hour movement class with a review of important movement principles and class details for everyone to take home for their own practice.
  • Afternoon Session:  We will go deeper into understand how the 3D core moves.  This will include lecture, movement and practicing learning how to feel, see and communicate these core dance concepts.

2日目 アームスへの呼びかけとコアとのダンス

Call to Arms and its Dance with the Core :6/26(水) 8:30〜/13:30〜(D・Eコース)




  • 朝のクラス:肩甲帯と背骨により良い動きをさせる方法を模索します。肩甲帯の動きの新しい概念を使い、腕や体幹の身体適応力とコアとのつなぎ方を高めます。2時間の動きのクラスの中で、重要な動きの原則を復習し、家で自主的な練習ができるようクラスを詳しく見ていきます。
  • 午後のクラス:肩甲帯についてより深く理解します。ローテーターカフの筋肉へのより良い気づきを作る方法や、腕とコアを使った複雑なダンスを模索します。このセッションにはレクチャー、動き、そして手と肩甲骨のつながりというコンセプトをどのように感じたり見たり伝達したりするかを学ぶ練習が含まれます。


Call to Arms, let’s call to arms better information.  There is a lot of poor information about scapular stability.  I walk into many classes: dance, pilates, yoga, etc and hear the cue:Shoulders down, Press Your shoulders down!

This cue could be creating pain in your neck, shoulders and/or back. The problems of the shoulders might be the placement of the spine, placement of the scapulae, lack of movement of the shoulder girdle due to too much locking down and muscular imbalance.

Morning class:  Discover how to invite better movement in your shoulder girdle and spine.  With new concepts of shoulder girdle movement, enhance your physicality of your arms, torso and how it connects with the core.  This will be a 2 hour movement class with a review of important movement principles and class details for everyone to take home for their own practice.

Afternoon Session:  We will go deeper into understanding of the shoulder girdle.  We will explore how to create better awareness of rotator cuff muscles and their intricate dance with the arms and core.  This will include lecture, movement and practicing learning how to feel, see and communicate the concepts of hand scapula relationship.

3日目 脚とコアのダンス Dance of the legs and the Core:6/27(木) 8:30〜/13:30〜(F・Gコース) 



  • 朝のクラス:コアへの新しいつながりのために、股関節から足までを目覚めさせます。2時間の動きのクラスの中で、重要な動きの原則を復習し、家で自主的な練習ができるようクラスを詳しく見ていきます。
  • 午後のクラス:脚の関節、すなわち足首、膝関節、股関節がどのように動くのかをさらに深く理解していきます。このセッションにはレクチャー、動き、そして下半身とコアダンスのコンセプトをどのように感じたり見たり伝達したりするかを学ぶ練習が含まれます。


I’m walking yessiree…about you and me…


Our legs take us into standing, walking and more complex movement actions.  The freedom of the hip socket allows us to make level changes and propel us through space.  With this freedom of the hip socket, we are able to shift our bodies in space through our legs.   Creating the correct mobility and physicality will change how we stand, walk and do all of activities of daily life.

  • Morning class: Waking up the hip to the foot for new connections to your core.  This will be a 2 hour movement class with a review of important movement principles and class details for everyone to take home for their own practice.
  • Afternoon Session:  We will go deeper into understand how the joints of the legs; foot, knee and hip moves.  This will include lecture, movement and practicing learning how to feel, see and communicate these lower body to core dance concepts.

4日目 歩行:全身のダンス Gait: The Full Dance6/28(金)8:30〜/13:30〜(H・Iコース) 


  • 朝のクラス:このクラスではまず、歩行に必要な背骨の動きを目覚めさせます。そこから、体の高さを変えたり健康的に歩いたりするために体全体の身体性を高めていきます。2時間の動きのクラスの中で、重要な動きの原則を復習し、家で自主的な練習ができるようクラスを詳しく見ていきます。
  • 午後のクラス:歩行のダンスをより深く理解していきます。このセッションにはレクチャー、動き、そしてこれらのコアダンスのコンセプトをどのように感じたり見たり伝達したりするかを学ぶ練習が含まれます。 


We take walking for granted.  When we lose the ability to walk comfortably, we lose our freedom to do things.  Poor posture, lack of strength and mobility and diminishing balance skills affect our gait. The dance of gait is dependent on intricate mobilities of our entire body with a dynamic changing dance of support.

  • Morning class:  This class will wake up the necessary movements of the spine relating to gait first.  Then we will enhance the physicality of the entire body to make level changes and healthy walking.  This will be a 2 hour movement class with a review of important movement principles and class details for everyone to take home for their own practice.
  • Afternoon Session: We will go deeper into understanding of the dance of gait.  This will include lecture, movement and practicing learning how to feel, see and communicate these core dance concepts.